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The kindergarten in Koltó is open

Op 20 maart is de kleuterschool in Koltó, Roemenie, officieel geopend. Eindelijk kunnen de kleuters naar een moderne, lichte en ruime school.
Het is heel bijzonder om te zien hoe van de oude school in Druten deze prachtige school is herbouwd.  Een compliment aan alle betrokkenen. Het project heeft bij elkaar vijf jaar geduurd.

March 20th, the kindergarten in Koltó, Romania, was officially opened. Finally the children can go to a modern, light and spacious school.
It is very special to see how this beautiful school was rebuilt from the old school in Druten.
A compliment to everyone involved. The whole project took five years all in all.

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March 29

Nu ook op televisie. Featuring on television.

Cum arată grădinița de 1 euro dintr-o comună din Maramureş
După 4 ani de aşteptare, copiii dintr-o comună din Maramureş învaţă într-o grădiniţă adusă tocmai din Olanda. La propriu. Aceasta a fost dezmembrată la mii de kilometri distanţă, adusă până în România şi asamblată la loc. Clădirea în sine a costat un euro, iar banii pentru trasportul ei şi pentru mobilier au venit din donaţii.

How looks a kindergarten of 1-euro in a commune in Maramures.
After 4 years of waiting, the children in a commune in Maramureş learn in a kindergarten brought from the Netherlands. Literally. It was disassembled thousands of kilometers away, brought to Romania and assembled in place. The building itself costed 1 euro and the money for transport and furniture came from donations.


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